Icelandic Candy
Opal and Topas Pastilles, the famous Sirius Chocolate, fine confectionery, hard candy, fruit gum and more and more....

From $7.50

Appolo Liquorice "Kurl" (150gr)
From $4.90

Appolo Liquorice Covered w/ Chocolet
From $4.90

Appolo Liquorice Roll (80gr)
From $4.90

Appolo Liquorice Shoe Strings (80gr)
From $2.90

Appolo Liquorice Star Rolles (35gr)
From $1.90

Eitt Sett 150G

Freyja Djúpur Pepper Hot (125gr)
From $8.90

Freyja Möndlur (150gr)

Freyja Rís Bites (170gr)